What is penned by me?

This part of my website contains projects I've realised over the years. There are both graphical works and websites (some of these websites I still maintain).

More examples of my work are listed at studies.

Website » Jungwinzer Edesheim

Jungwinzer Edesheim

Description: For the society Jungwinzer Edesheim, this website offers a possibility to publish important dates, interesting photos and reports or allows users to communicate via guestbook.
Furthermore I developed an internal, password protected area for the management. There they can update the website or share internal information.

Categorie: Website

Technique: HTML, PHP, CSS, Java Script, mySQL, Flash

Creation: 2003 (at present: maintenance)

Graffiti » Carnival procession 2002

Procession waggon 2002

Description: The circle of my friends has built own waggons for some years to take part at the annual carnival procession. Among other things it was my job to design the side walls of those vehicles.

Categorie: Graffiti

Technique: Spraying on a cardboard

Creation: 2002

Graffiti » Carnival procession 2001

Procession waggon 2001

Description: Here you can see our first waggon out of the year 2001. Motto at that time was »Aprés Ski«.

Categorie: Graffiti

Technique: Spraying on a cardboard

Creation: 2001

Drawing » Architects plan

Architects plan

Description: I've been fascinated by the special drawing and writing style of architects for a long time. During my practical training in 1999, I made some of those architect plans on my own.

Categorie: Drawing

Technique: Pencil

Creation: 1999

Drawing » Technical drawing

Technical drawing

Description: Not only in the school subject »Technical Drawing«, also during my two-week work experience as a tracer I learned to handle with drawing board and tusche.

Categorie: Drawing

Technique: Tusche

Creation: 1999

Drawing » Document


Description: This document should set the seal on a godparenthood. The dry text component is surrounded by the squiggled document writing at the upper margin and two colored emblems at the bottom margin.

Categorie: Drawing

Technique: Tusche, crayon

Creation: 2002

Link: Document